Saturday, September 15, 2007

Enyart to Americans: Jesus Says F*** You!

Bob Enyart is the kind of Christian that anyone seeking to prove Christianity ridiculous would love. He believes the earth is literally only a few thousand years old, was created in six days, dinosaurs lived alongside humans at one time, and that the Garden of Eden had a literal tree-bigger than a giant redwood. It would be easy enough to dismiss Enyart as a fringe kook, but while in 1967 even a fundamentalist bible college would have looked at him in embarrassment, he and his ilk can no longer be dismissed. They are gaining real power and therefore represent a threat.

Decades ago, Dr. Revilo Oliver pointed out that despite the "secular humanist" cant of do-gooders and enturbulators, their nonsense would have gone nowhere without Christianity. It was for that very reason he felt that Christianity, the religion of the European peoples for twenty decades, had become and would remain "a spiritual syphilis".

Enyart fulfills this prophecy with a fairly recent sermon endorsing any and all manner of outsourcing and just about any amount of immigration, from anywhere in the world, of any and all comers.

Christian Argument for OUTsourcing and IMmigrants


* India's economy soars, and Americans should be generous in sharing our wealth by hiring foreigners and welcoming foreign workers, all within the bounds of good law, and apart from welfare, which itself is theft, and makes millions suspicious of immigrants' motives.
* Newsweek (3-6-06) celebrates the sexual immorality that often comes with prosperity, "as young people make more money... they're less wiling to obey rules about sex..." and "Living Free... Taboos against premarital sex are falling away... and dissatisfied wives are increasingly... having affairs."

I downloaded and listened to this filthy piece of dreck. I'm not going to transcribe this load of tommyrot, but essentially, Enyart first tells us that outsourcing is good because, people with the tech skills and "people skills" and patience to do top-flight PC tech support would cost corporations $25 an hour, and that would be bad. Evidently Enyart feels it's terrible that the people with both the PC tech skills and ability and willingness to burp, change and feed ignorant consumers and small businesses through problems they should learn to fix themselves or pay a fair wage to a specialist to have done, won't work for minimum wage.

God damn your eyes, Bob Enyart.

Phone tech support is a difficult job, and people who can do it should be able to earn at least the average wage in the United States. The average wage in the US is probably, still, close to $20 an hour, and that doesn't count health insurance, 401k matching , or other benefits. Perhaps if the PC industry finds that onerous, it should take other steps, such as possibly charging enough for the PC with support in the first place, or even selling PCs with software that is more robust and more easily supportable than Microsoft Windows and Office, which are by any professional standard of computer science pure garbageware.

Enyart's assault on the living standard of technical support people is bad enough, but what comes next is an assault on every American, because it's an assault on the continued existence of America. Enyart feels that virtually unlimited immigration is good, and Christian, because-get this- the single primary determinant of whether a person "accepts real, fundamentalist Christianity"-"gets saved"-is whether he or she lives in the United States!

Well, let's think about this. Are the Mexicans becoming Christians? Well, of course, most of them already are Christians, of a sort, and by that I don't mean Catholic instead of fundie. I mean they talk about Jesus and the Virgin Mary one minute and get into knife fights, drive drunk, knock up fifteen-year old girls (theirs and ours) and generally live like the undesireable mestizos they are, which is why the corrupt White elite of Mexico cordially invites them to sneak into El Norte. (Of course, it's why Mexico is mostly a dungpit: the Mexicans are getting the society they want and deserve, to a great extent, although making them-all of them-live in their own zoo by stopping US immigration would cause some level of change, probably for the better.)

Okay, the Indians? Nope, they're resolutely sticking with their extant religions and castes. In fact, they take it to extremes. Bob Baer, in his new book describing his career as a CIA agent, talks about how a CIA employee-presumably then a US citizen, to be given a highly classified job-of Indian ethnicity (which region or language-group or caste unmentioned) had to be cashiered after admitting on a polygraph exam that he was regularly boffing his mother and his sister, because he could not find a wife of his subcaste! Gee Bob, how Christian is that? How much you want to bet that that kind of thing is going to get more rather than less common over here?

The Muslims? How many Muslims convert to Christianity? Well, to be fair, it happens. But it's very rare. Because for one thing, even in a liberal Muslim family, it means being a total outcast. In a more conservative one it means being dead. How much does Bob wanna bet me against this: more Muslims means more Americans, nominally Christian, convert to Islam than they convert to our dominant religion?

Good thing Bob doesn't gamble.

Dr. Oliver, that sage of American academe, predicted this:

The Writings of Revilo P Oliver 1908-1994


by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, July 1989)

I have occasionally cited in these pages the Chalcedon Report, the journal of the hard-line Calvinist sect which its head, Dr. Rousas J. Rushdoony, calls Christian Reconstruction, although observers think it should be called the Puritan Revival. It is intellectually and morally far above the level of the babbling crowds that are lumped together as the "Moral Majority" or the "Christian Right." A good summary of the movement and its purposes by Anson Shupe appeared in the Wall Street Journal, 17 April 1989.

The issue for February 1989 contains an article by the journal's most distinguished writer, Otto Scott, an American historian to whom we must all be grateful for the meticulous and courageous research that is set forth in his admirable book, The Secret Six, which traces the bloody spoor of America's most admired homicidal maniac, John Brown.

Mr. Scott begins his article by quoting the "darling of the intellectual left," Susan Sontag: "The white race is the cancer of humanity." He notes that his god punished the woman by afflicting her with cancer. But he makes the astonishing blunder of supposing that the Sontag woman thought of herself as a Caucasian. She is a (non-White female) and would no more think of calling herself Caucasian than she would of calling herself a bitch or a sow. She belongs to Yahweh's Master Race, the race that now openly boasts in its own publications, "WE are the purpose of Creation."

Mr. Scott comments on the nasty punks who called themselves "Liberal intellectuals" and are forever yapping about our race's "injustice" toward (nonwhites), mongrels, and other waste products of biological evolution. And he correctly observes that our race is precisely the only race that worries about the welfare of other races and even makes enormous sacrifices to help them.

He attributes our race's morbid concern for other (and necessarily enemy) races, not to innate imbecility, but precisely and specifically to its belief in Christianity. That is what I have so frequently argued, and I am pleased to have my view confirmed by so eminent an historian.

Mr. Scott's conclusion is one that I shall here quote in italics:

"Without Christians, there would be no chance for long-range survival of minorities in our midst."

Remember, please, that that is not an accusation that I have made: it is a confession made by an eminent Christian authority on behalf of one of the very few Christian sects that writes honestly and mean what they say.

Nothing that I have written about Christianity is half so categorial and drastic as that damning confession of guilt--guilt for our ever multiplying misfortunes, guilt for our lunatic folly, guilt for our impending doom."

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