Wednesday, September 19, 2007

KJV Idolators-The Book As Where Life Begins

Fundamentalists are quick to criticize the Catholics for Marian idolatry. They say the superexalted status of Mary in the Catholic Church is without Biblical authority-and they are right. It's utterly unbiblical, and is something that evolved in relatively modern times for the same reason female figures of worship figured in pagan religions-it answered a human need at the time and therefore was a means of financial profit and a mechanism of control.

But not wanting to be left behind, some Protestants-admittedly not a hugh number, but a few-have made into the likeness of Mary, the book itself- the paper, which receives the ink, and therefore feminine, in the form of not just the Bible as content, but the literal form of the King James Bible. Even though the English language did not exist in the time of JoN, even though Greek and Latin were the languages of all studied peoples up until recent times (Catholic seminarians still study both, and Latin is the international language of the Catholic Church), even though the KJV was specifically written for political reasons, which found the Geneva Bible and others unsatisfactory, they somehow have come up with the idea that the KJV is God's Own, one true Bible. It is senior to the manuscripts from which it came, in their minds, having God's divine unction. Of course, it's no new concept: you didn't really believe seventy-two rabbis got the Septuagint all the same to the last jot and tittle, did you?

Needless to say the idea is idiotic on its face. If God had a certain translation in mind, as the one Bible for all on Earth, he wouldn't have provided it in English: not what with so many nations in Europe being far better for that purpose. And if he did, why would He have provided it through the sodomite King James?? Even the idea of the KJV being the one true English version doesn't hold any water.

The real purpose of the KJV Idolatry movement has to be something different, and it is. It is to incarnate the "Holy Word" into a form, a female, receiving form. It makes of Scripture a vagina.

Some KJV Idolatry sites:

And of course, we must consult the most knowledgeable man on this issue:

"There are innumerable English translations of the Bible, but in all of them the stories are essentially the same, differing only in diction and in details that concern only theologians who use them to whet their own axes. The Bible is not like another famous story-book, usually called the Arabian Nights, of which the four commonly used English translations differ enormously in content."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fish symbol is, to put it bluntly, a cunnus. Yet Christians refuse to acknowledge this. Hmmm.